Selectel Cloud Management API

Selectel Cloud Management API helps manage Cloud platform resources. Similar to Control panel, it provides the following features:

  • create, edit, and delete projects;
  • change the number of resources potentially available to the project, such as cloud servers, disks, networks, and others (project quotas);
  • create, edit, and delete project users;
  • create licenses (for Windows Server);
  • create VRRP subnets.

Selectel Cloud Management API does not provide direct access to create cloud servers, disks, networks, and other resources. It only allows you to configure conditions for their creation using OpenStack API.


Keystone tokens are used to work with the Selectel Cloud Management API.


An example of a typical query to create a project:

curl -i -XPOST \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: <keystone_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"project":{"name":"<name>"}}' \

Specify <keystone_token> — a Keystone token.

Consumption Statistics

Follow these steps to view the Cloud platform resource consumption:

  1. Obtain a token (API key) to work with the Selectel API.

  2. Obtain a token for your account (it must be reissued at least once a day) by running:

    curl -X POST -H 'X-Token: <token_value>' -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"token":{"account_name":"<account_id>"}}' -H 'Content-type: application/json' ''


    • <token_value> is the Selectel token (API key);
    • <account_id> is the account number in the Control panel.
  3. An OpenStack Token of the following form will be returned:

{"token": {"id": "<openstack_account_token>"}}
  1. The Gnocchi REST API is used when working with consumption statistics. Authorization is performed using <openstack_account_token> obtained earlier.

Data Sources

Cloud services consumption data is stored in a structure distributed across several regions.

Endpoint Product services Cloud core: virtual machines, volumes, networks,
and PaaS products (MKS, DBaaS, Serverless) Cloud platform CDN

Working with Large Aggregated Data

  1. To get information about the consumption of the entire cloud account, obtain a permanent Selectel account ID:
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: <openstack_account_token>' ''
  1. The structure of the following form will be returned:
         "creator": "---", 
         "started_at": "2020-08-30T10:16:17.244227+00:00", 
         "revision_start": "2020-08-30T10:16:17.404943+00:00", 
         "ended_at": null, 
         "user_id": null, 
         "project_id": "01be84552e6a452aa14995a73b12345a", 
         "original_resource_id": "01be84552e6a452aa14995a73b12345a", 
         "id": "01be8455-2e6a-452a-a149-95a73b12345a",
         "type": "sel_account", 
         "name": "000000", 
         "revision_end": null, 
         "metrics": {
            "vpc.account.full.cost": "01d9b2e1-7be1-46a8-9ced-000cdcf72cbd"
         "created_by_user_id": "a0e0123e8c364232b1234dbb31ce1a5e", 
         "created_by_project_id": "5e200c6ffe184b9f8b69344d36123456"

Use the id field from the API response. In further requests, this identifier must be substituted into the <openstack_account_id> variable. 3. Request metric changes for the vpc.account.full.cost account:

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: <openstack_account_token>' '<openstack_account_id>/metric/vpc.account.full.cost/measures?aggregation_methods=max&granularity=86400&start=2021-01-31T21:00:00&stop=2021-04-16T21:00:00'
  1. Sample response:
[["2021-01-31T00:00:00+00:00", 86400.0, 86.33333333333333], 
["2021-02-01T00:00:00+00:00", 86400.0, 205.83333333333334],
["2021-02-02T00:00:00+00:00", 86400.0, 242.75]]

Each list element in the response contains three fields: the period start date, the period duration in seconds, and the account consumption value in kopecks.

Working with Consumption Information for Individual Projects

  1. To obtain information about a single cloud project, request a list of projects:
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: <openstack_account_token>' ''
  1. The structure of the following form will be returned:
         "creator": "---", 
         "started_at": "2021-04-27T09:00:00+00:00", 
         "revision_start": "2021-04-27T10:42:02.957886+00:00", 
         "ended_at": null, 
         "user_id": null, 
         "project_id": "01be84552e6a452aa14995a73b12345a", 
         "original_resource_id": "a10c12341eb247d1b1c225a4902018e3", 
         "id": "a10c1234-1eb2-47d1-b1c2-25a4902018e3", 
         "type": "sel_project", 
         "parent_id": "01be8455-2e6a-452a-a149-95a73b12345a", 
         "name": "Test", 
         "revision_end": null, 
         "metrics": {
            "": "7fe07d04-1f2b-4f3a-a376-fcc00eb6be95", 
            "": "c0007aca-0a0a-4a2a-a053-da123dc15a55", 
            "": "d2ac0509-f6b3-40ae-03e2-125db025fc0a", 
            "": "2ad22fad-d01f-4d44-8fb6-123b2cb7fc09", 
            "": "fba81bd8-bb9d-4f95-9018-e05f912410e3", 
            "": "9fc7beaa-d94c-46d1-a56a-b05c8a79ba23", 
         "created_by_user_id": "ec05e123a2b64596bf1e12c4b80139c1", 
         "created_by_project_id": "5e204c6ffe123b9f8b69344d36178355"

Use the id field from the API response. In further requests, this identifier must be substituted into the <project_id> variable.

  1. Request changes for a specific (<metric_name>) metric provided in the API response above:
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: <openstack_account_token>' '<project_id>/metric/<metric_name>/measures?aggregation_methods=max&granularity=86400&start=2021-01-31T21:00:00&stop=2021-04-16T21:00:00'
  1. Sample response:
[["2021-03-12T00:00:00+00:00", 86400.0, 10.0]]

Each list element in the response contains three fields: the period start date, the period duration in seconds, and the account consumption value in kopecks.